When Silent Falls The Gushing Tear

When silent falls the gushing tear,

O'er cheeks grown pale with care;

And on the heart a cross is laid

That seems too hard to bear,

Remember what our Lord has said,

And trust, in weal or woe,

His holy Word, that changeth not,

Though uttered years ago.


"Like as a father pitieth His children,

So the Lord pitieth them that fear Him,

So the Lord pitieth them that fear Him."

When one by one our treasured hopes

Like autumn leaves decay,

And they who made our life most dear

Are borne from us away,

O look beyond the veil of time,

Where springs of comfort flow,

And trust His Word, that changeth not,

Though uttered years ago.


The clouds that bode the darkest hour

The purest light may bring;

The heart that mourns its broken chords

The sweetest song may sing;

Though oft a rugged path we tread,

Yet this one thing we know,

God's holy Word can never change,

Though uttered years ago.






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