Oh, What A Savior That He Died For Me!

Oh, what a Savior that He died for me!

From condemnation He hath made me free;

"He that believeth on the Son," said He,

"Hath everlasting life."


"Verily, verily, I say unto you;

Verily, verily," message ever new!

"He that believeth on the Son" 'tis true!

"Hath everlasting life!"

All my iniquities on Him were laid,

All my indebtedness by Him was paid;

All who believe on Him, the Lord hath said,

"Hath everlasting life."


Though poor and needy, I can trust my Lord;

Though weak and sinful I believe His Word;

O glad message! Every child of God

"Hath everlasting life."


Though all unworthy, yet I will not doubt;

For him that cometh He will not cast out:

"He that believeth," oh, the good news shout!

"Hath everlasting life."






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