Behold, The Joyful Day Is Nigh

Behold, the joyful day is nigh,

And angels' voices from on high

Proclaim the news in early morn

That the Good Shepherd now is born.

In quiet splendor forth He comes,

The scattered sheep and tender lambs

To gather, and their fold prepare

With all a shepherd's tender care.

The gentle Shepherd we behold

Who, not with silver and with gold,

But by His suffering and His death

Will save us from eternal wrath.

His Church, though small its seed may be,

Shall grow into a mighty tree.

With fruitful branches spreading o'er

The earth till time shall be no more.

Arise and shine, thy Light is come,

O humankind, O Christendom;

Thy glory and thy peace is here;

The Savior of the world draws near.

All praise and glory be to Thee;

For wisdom, power, and majesty;

And for Thy grace, and mercy, Lord,

Forever be Thy Name adored.





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