2 Macabees - Chapter 13

In the hundred forty and ninth year it was told Judas, that Antiochus Eupator was coming with a great power into Judea,   1

And with him Lysias his protector, and ruler of his affairs, having either of them a Grecian power of footmen, an hundred and ten thousand, and horsemen five thousand and three hundred, and elephants two and twenty, and three hundred chariots armed with hooks.   2

Menelaus also joined himself with them, and with great dissimulation encouraged Antiochus, not for the safeguard of the country, but because he thought to have been made governor.   3

Now there was in that place a tower of fifty cubits high, full of ashes, and it had a round instrument which on every side hanged down into the ashes.   4

And whosoever was condemned of sacrilege, or had committed any other grievous crime, there did all men thrust him unto death.   5

Such a death it happened that wicked man to die, not having so much as burial in the earth; and that most justly:   6

For inasmuch as he had committed many sins about the altar, whose fire and ashes were holy, he received his death in ashes.   7

Which things when Judas perceived, he commanded the multitude to call upon the Lord night and day, that if ever at any other time, he would now also help them, being at the point to be put from their law, from their country, and from the holy temple:   8

And that he would not suffer the people, that had even now been but a little refreshed, to be in subjection to the blasphemous nations.   9

So when they had all done this together, and besought the merciful Lord with weeping and fasting, and lying flat upon the ground three days long, Judas, having exhorted them, commanded they should be in a readiness.   10

So when he had committed all to the Creator of the world, and exhorted his soldiers to fight manfully, even unto death, for the laws, the temple, the city, the country, and the commonwealth, he camped by Modin:   11

And at last they filled the camp with fear and tumult, and departed with good success.   12

This was done in the break of the day, because the protection of the Lord did help him.   13

Now when the king had taken a taste of the manliness of the Jews, he went about to take the holds by policy,   14

And marched toward Bethsura, which was a strong hold of the Jews: but he was put to flight, failed, and lost of his men:   15

For Judas had conveyed unto them that were in it such things as were necessary.   16

Heard that Philip, who was left over the affairs in Antioch, was desperately bent, confounded, intreated the Jews, submitted himself, and sware to all equal conditions, agreed with them, and offered sacrifice, honoured the temple, and dealt kindly with the place,   17

And accepted well of Maccabeus, made him principal governor from Ptolemais unto the Gerrhenians;   18

Came to Ptolemais: the people there were grieved for the covenants; for they stormed, because they would make their covenants void:   19





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